Healing Eating Disorder with Sufi Yoga




“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” ~




Dear Readers,


I’m honored to share with you  another Sufi approach to healing your eating disorder- A Sufi Yoga, this is a new unique healing approach by Sarah Abdel Latif . Sarah runs Fourth Chakra Yoga. She’s a a Sufi Yoga teacher and practitioner living in Toronto Canada.

Sarah presents Sufi yoga as an offering to those of you interested in deepening your spirituality and engaging in healthful practices that engage your body, mind and soul. She first encountered Sufi Yoga in a class about Southeast Asian Islams two years ago. I had been studying Sufism and mystical expressions of Islam for about four years at that point. Four months ago, I looked up an old 18th century manuscript of a 12th century text called Hawd al-Haya, or The Pond of Life. This is an old mystical Islamic yoga manual that explained to Muslim mystics how to attain spiritual enlightenment by means of breath work (pranayama), yogic postures (asanas), and vocalizations of sacred sounds (mantras). While the text relied heavily on the philosophy of yoga in India at the time, it created a new form of yoga tailored to Islamic cosmology, philosophy, medicine and spirituality. I translated this text and began using it as a model for my own yoga practice, incorporating my knowledge and practice of Sufi Islam along the way.



Benefits of Yoga in Eating Disorder Recovery:

There are many ways yoga can help relieve eating disorders. A 2013 systematic review, published in Disability and Rehabilitation, reveals physical therapy including yoga can help patients suffering from anorexia and bulimia. A study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, reports yoga therapy can help relieve eating disorder symptoms in teens. A study, published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, found yoga can help reduce binge eating episodes. According to Rob Schware yoga Can Become a Game-changer in Combatting Eating Disorders according to him: The average cost of treating an eating disorder is $1,250 per day, and only one in 10 ever receive treatment. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. What if the over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys who use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives, were offered regular yoga classes?



The Article below has been Written by Mary from Canada. Thank you for your contribution Mary. I hope you’ll find it useful in your journey to recovery and healing. 

Healing Eating Disorder with Sufi Yoga – A Sufi approach to Healing with Sarah Abdel Latif


sarah Latif


Islam recognized from God the mission of working up on the earth the honest to goodness monotheism and a champion amongst the most crucial formulas for reflection, the field of a religion based upon the divulgences through the Prophet Muhammad, the practices (or yogas) and fulfillment of the Sufis were and are totally splashed with the principle of Islam, which is renunciation to God, or rather satisfied union of the will of man with the will of God. This fundamental standard of affirmation of God’s wills among the religious transform into the get-together of God’s being among the mystics.


Here I would like to look at healing eating disorder with Sufi yoga with a point of view to assess such within the lens of a Sufi approach to healing eating disorder are seen as an extent issue that join anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and pigging out turmoil. eating disorder indicate wretchedness and uneasiness, close by a substantial gathering of other mental issues, including mental prosperity conditions coming to fruition due to damage. Debilitation and anxiety, nearby character issue, are dependably found in individuals with eating disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) close by co-happening substance abuse in more than half of individuals with eating disorder.

Sufi healing is a powerful practice that uses a mix of frameworks/medicine both significant and physical far reaching of all essentialness sorts running from emphasis of certain embraced imperativeness words and petitions to the use of a trademark home developed soup or a decoction of various herbs. Essentially as the fundamental drivers of contamination, wiped out prosperity and conditions that are physical, mental are distinctive and complex, so too is the system or technique subordinate upon the condition of the disease and the person. Sufi recovering is a multi-faceted philosophy with a great goal of recuperation and restoring one’s prosperity. Some time attempted methodology made and insider actualities went on through times are used as and when required. Sufi patching similarly incorporates treating essentialness impacts and sporadic attributes achieved by both the seen and the covered.

Spiritual medicine incorporates Suras Chapters and Ayats Verses from the Holy Quran. Allah the most High says that His Quran is a retouching and mercy for those that acknowledge.Allah’s words in the Holy Quran demonstrates a supernatural imperativeness that patches minds, hearts and bodies. Specific Suras Chapters and Ayats Verses are suggested for different sicknesses and the learning of using these is the thing that a healer is gifted with.

Using Islamic Meditation to Change the Way you Think







Thoughts become our reality, In case we are thinking conversely, chances are we will feel unfavorably, and in this way acting antagonistically. Anything can impact the way we think. In case we are centered around, we will consider the things that are stressing us and in this way making more push, both in our minds and in our general environment.

Examination and expanding singular learning, singular reflection can indicate us more about ourselves than if we spend our entire lives adoring and never thinking or reflecting. Islamic reflection can be a viable mechanical assembly if sharpened and used reliably.,reflection can change the way we think, and inevitably change

Islamic examination can help us to patch our contrary issue focused identity and contemplations and acknowledge useful conclusion and valuable feelings therefore. In case we are perky – we think cheerfully. Reflection can perform a conclusive rapture. Reflection can help in the mitigation of various turmoil like identity issues, from tension to anxiety and despite dietary issues. Most eating disorder stem from negative mental self picture and negative considering. Muddle mind is self-instigated; perhaps we feel weight from the outside or others. Really, nevertheless, most of the weight from the outside we feel is just a projection we are putting on to ourselves and in addition other individuals, and essentially more skeptical theory affecting the way we are feeling, and in the dietary issue circumstance –acting. Consideration is a significant bit of Sufi yoga treatment as it unites regard for the body’s abilities and feelings. Care people groups fathom their own particular perspectives. Cautious care and watchful eating are both united into the reconnect with food care Sufi yoga – based dietary issue treatment program. Watchful care is about being tuned into how one feels and having an awareness of what is going on inside one’s body. With Sufi yoga, thought and practice, someone will to trust and grasp the messages given by their own specific body and begin to focus on internal qualities verses, singular appearance. Cautious eating practices gives the ability to learn and experience the sustenance eating by watching the taste, arrangement, and smell of the food all while requiring noteworthy speculation to esteem the eating information this could be said to go alone in line in what the favored book instructs.


Sufi Yoga treatment solidifies an exceptional repairing procedure of breath, advancement, Sufi Yoga thinking, trade, close by a sequenced stream and examination joined with routine psychotherapy intervention models. The middle is not exclusively on the Sufi Yoga postures. The chakras, close by the eight limbs of sufi yoga are entwined as points in the recovering method. The body’s chakras parallel two chains of nerve gatherings arranged on each side of the spinal rope. Sufi yoga incorporates spinal improvements that start the body’s chakras and can without a doubt release a man’s physical weight and torment, which then therefore can release secure emotions.


In order to allow the mind to lead choices about sustenance, body, and weight, as one with a dietary issue does, it gets the opportunity to be vital to withdraw the cerebrum from the necessities of the physical body. Every now and again, those affected by scattered eating will absolutely isolate from their identity or qualities outside of the perplexity itself; weight and self-observation get the opportunity to be key to all else. This kind of behavior is seen as a show of violence towards oneself, a cycle frequently spread by the pipe dream that accomplishing a particular weight will give a sentiment control or fulfillment—”Once I lose 10 pounds, I’ll peppy”— which is clearly a trickery, in light of the fact that after 10 it gets the chance to be 12, then 15, and so on.



A glaring distinction to this sort of strong control of the body, Sufi yoga demonstrates us to develop a recognition with an authentic self past the physical body. Frankly, the physical body in Sufi yoga is seen as an interval vehicle for the spirit, and transforms into a lens through which to stay curious about how we act in various parts of life. For instance, holding an uncomfortable position when the nature is to escape licenses us to notice what happens normally when we encounter a testing condition or begin to feel tense off the mat. Sufi yoga moreover gives us the estimation of “ahimsa,” the demonstration of quietness, toward ourselves, our body, and others. The demonstration of reflection, another part of the Sufi yoga sharpen, mulls over the progression of “witness insight,” making separate space between the observer (our mind), the thoughts that rise, and our reactions. People with eating disorder and other harming support practices are in a reliable state of physiological uneasiness, enhancing the likelihood of a vast gathering of restorative results including loss of bone thickness, heart muscle disintegrating, and a lifted level of adrenaline, the body’s hormone accountable for the fight to come or flight response when survival is weakened. Ponders on consideration have shown that both reflection and breath-work lessen the body’s physiological tension response by reducing insightful tangible framework establishment, and growing development in region of the psyche accountable for conviction, feeling control, and mental flexibility. Unusually, looks at on Sufi yoga therapeutic effects in the comprehensive group exhibit how the capacity to persevere through low levels of tension, for instance, making sense of how to stay in an uncomfortable position, is associated with general flourishing and individual fulfillment.



To Sign Up With Sarah Abdel Latif – Please Visit Fourth Chakra. Sarah teaches public classes and specialized yoga sessions.  She also offers Yoga as a private practice in Toronto. According to Sarah, In 2017, I hope to open a studio where Sufi yoga and meditation can be made available to the community at large. 

I look forward to meaningfully engaging with you.

May you be filled with peace,

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About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.


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