Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) Golden and Wise Pearls






Friendship has five conditions. Whoever has them, then attribute him to it. Whoever has not them, then do not attribute him to any of it. They are: the good of his friend should be his good, his inward thoughts for him should be like his openness, no money should change him against him, he should hold the view that he is worthy of all his friendship, and should not abandon him during misfortunes.

Imam Jafar




Dear Readers,


Please find below our weekly pearls of wisdom. This week we bring to you wise sayings of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq. This is in honour of the month of Muharram. We hope you’ll find them useful. His sayings raise the good souls to the classes of angels and lead people to the virtue and happiness when they use and consider them carefully.



Noble deeds are ten, if you want them to be with you, then let them be, they are with the man and are not with his children; they are with the child and are not with his father; they are with the slave and are not with the master. What are they? He, peace be on him, said: the truthfulness of men, the truthfulness of the tongue, paying the trust, linking the relatives on the maternal side, entertaining the guest, giving food to the beggar, rewarding the favors, to avoid blaming the neighbor, to avoid censuring the friend, and their head is modesty.



Intellect is the pillar of man.



The perfection of intellect is in three (things): humbleness for Allah, good certainty, and silence except for good.

Imam Jafar


The favor is not perfected but with three (things): by doing it quickly, debasing it, and hiding it.

Imam Jafar


To remove a mountain is easier than removing faith.

Imam Jafar


Not everyone who sees a thing is able to do it, not everyone who is able to do a thing is successful in doing it, and not everyone who is successful in it. When intention, ability, success, and righteousness come together, happiness occurs.

Imam Jafar


“If a person gains knowledge and does not act upon it, it is just like a person has treasure and does not use it.”

Imam Jafar


“Good opinion is that you must hope no one but Allah and that you fear nothing but your sin.”


“The strongest thing Allah imposes on his creation is that they should remember Allah many times. I do not mean that they should say, Allah akber, subhanallah, la-illaha illallah, though these are parts of it, I mean they should remember Allah during the time of act. If the act leads to obedience, the person should do it. If the act leads to disobedience, the person should refrain from it.”


“Pious is one who refrains from what Allah has prohibited”


“Whoever adopts religious devotion in this world, Allah will fix the wisdom in his heart and will make his tongue utter it, and will make him see the defects of life in this world, and Allah will take him to paradise.”


“Whoever fears Allah, Allah saves him (from adversities). Whoever thanks him, he increases him. And whoever grants him a loan, he will reward him.”


“If Allah has guarenteed livelihood, then why do you worry?
If livelihood is determined then why are you eager for it?
If the reward is from Allah, then why do (you) slacken?
If the recompense if from Allah, then why do you try to be miserly?


To forbid generosity is mistrust in Allah.




About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.

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