Eating Disorders are lethal and they kill. All forms of eating disorders are dangerous. So Please Seek Help and Go for Recovery.
Sufi Mystics say the secret of the Qur’an lies in the verse Al-Fatiha,
And the secret of Al-Fatiha lies in Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
And the quintessence of Bismillah is the letter ba,
And there is a dot below that letter….
The underneath the B embodies the entire universe….
The Mathnawi starts with B,
Your recovery Starts with
Do I have an Eating Disorder? Take this Quiz
Eating Attitudes Test – 26 Item (EAT-26)
It is important to note that Eating Disorders usually cannot be
treated by only one provider using one approach. A common
approach to treatment is to use the treatment team approach. This
team is usually comprised of a nutritionist, psychiatrist, physician and
a counseling practitioner. Using Islamic Healing approaches is just
one of many promising treatments to help treat the complexity of
Eating Disorders.
Eating Disorder Support/Help
For Help Please Email us:
We work with the Rainbow Eating Disorder Centre in Pakistan. This is mainly due to the tried and tested service, but also they do not charge us International fee. If you can’t afford help, we can help you. We often raise funds to help people. Please Note: We never ever charge any fee for our work. All the work is self-funded and that’s our blessing, anything you can do to help people is indeed a gift by Allah.
Below is a list of some charities, support groups and helplines that you may find helpful.
Butterfly National Helpline
Phone: 1800 33 4673
Online Chat: Click here to chat online with someone.
Butterfly’s National Helpline and Online Chat provide free, confidential support for anyone with a question about eating disorders or negative body image, including sufferers, carers, family and friends, teachers, employers and more. The service can provide
- Personalised support and coping strategies
- Information on understanding eating disorders
- Guidance on treatment options
- Information on available services in your area
- Connections with other services and specialists.
The National Helpline and Online Chat service are open Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm AEST daylight savings adjusted (except national/major public holidays).
Emergency help
If you are in a crisis situation, need immediate medical assistance or are at risk of harming yourself please contact:
Lifeline Australia
13 11 14
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
Other Support Organisations
The following eating disorders support organisations in each state are not crisis assistance but will be able to provide support specific to eating disorders and advice on where to seek help in your local area.
New South Wales
The Butterfly Foundation
Helpline: 1800 33 4673
Phone: 02 9412 4499
Fax: 02 8090 8196
Address: 103 Alexander St, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders (CEDD)
CEDD is an academic and service support centre based in Sydney.
Phone: 02 9515 6040
Fax: 02 9515 6442
Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV)
The Eating Disorders Victoria is a non-profit organisation which aims to support those affected by eating disorders and to better inform the community about disordered eating. The EDV helpline operates from Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 5pm.
Telephone: 1300 550 236
Eating Disorders Association Inc Queensland
The Eating Disorders Association Inc (Qld) is a non-discriminatory, non-profit organisation. The Eating Disorders Association is funded by the Mental Health Branch of Disability Services Queensland, to provide information, support and referral services for the state of Queensland, Australia.
Telephone: (07) 3394 3661
Fax: (07) 3394 3663
The Eating Issues Centre
The Eating Issues Centre works with people over 17 with serious eating issues such as anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating.
Telephone: (07) 3844 6055
Fax: (07) 3844 6466
Western Australia
Women’s Health Works
Women’s Health Works is a non-profit community organisation that provides a range of education, information and support services to women, including self help groups for people experiencing an eating disorder.
Telephone: (08) 9300 1566
Fax: (08) 9300 1699
Mental Health Carers NSW (previously ARAFMI)
Mental Healh Carers is a non-profit community based organisation that provides information and support for families and friends of people with mental health issues, including: family support counselling, support group program advocacy, respite and community education.
Telephone: 1300 554 660
South Australia
Centacare: PACE
PACE supports individuals living with panic anxiety, obsessive compulsive and eating disorders and those that support them. Services include telephone support, face to face counselling and referral pathways.
Telephone: 1800 809 304
Eating Disorders Association of South Australia (EDASA)
EDASA is a non government, not for profit incorporated association based in South Australia providing practical advice, empathic support and guidance for those affected by eating disorders in South Australia.
Mental Health Carers TAS (previously ARAFMI)
Phone: 03 6228 7448 (South), 03 6349 1121 (North), 03 6441 5280 (North West)
Northern Territory
Top End Mental Health Services
Provides specialist clinical mental health services to clients in the Top End, including the Darwin/Palmerston, Darwin Remote, Katherine and East Arnhem Regions.
Phone: 08 8999 4988
Fax: 08 8999 4999
International Hospital of Bahrain

Jidhafs Town 426, Kingdom of Bahrain
(Opposite Jidhafs Technical School off Budaiya Highway)
13 Al Israa St. off Lebanon St.,
Floor 2, Flat 5
Mohandeseen, Giza, Egypt
(+202) 3346 9992
(+202) 3346 9993
(+2) 0106 277 1515
Please contact us during office hours, from Sunday to Thursday between 10 am and 5pm.
Rainbow Eating Disorder Centre
Rainbow Obesity and Eating Disorder Centre. 734 – Shadman (opp) Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore Phone 042 35960734 , 0321 4723172
Shifa International Hospitals Ltd. Sector: H-8/4 Islamabad , Pakistan
051-8463666- Please ask for Dr Rezzan khan
Kulsum International Hospital,Islamabad. Kulsum Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. ,051 8446666
Dr. Nazo Mayanaz Psychiatrist | FCPS
Islamabad PK, Bee Well Hospital, East Wing, 2nd Floor, Asif Plaza, Fazal-Ul-Haq Road, 051-8466100
Beat is the world’s largest eating disorders charity. It provides support and information to anyone affected by eating disorders, including sufferers, their family members and friends, professionals and anyone who wants to find out more about eating disorders.
Beat Adult Helpline (over 18s) 0845 634 1414 (Monday to Friday, 10.30am-8.30pm; Saturday, 1.00pm-4.30pm)
or email
Beat Youthline (for those aged 25 or under) 0845 634 7650 (Monday to Friday, 4.30pm-8.30pm; Saturday, 1.00pm-4.30pm)
or email
Beat offers a callback service, so that you can save the cost of the call. The Youthline also offers a text service – text ‘call back’ to 07786 201820 for a free callback. They aim to return calls within 24 hours and during Youthline opening hours.
Men Get Eating Disorders Too
‘Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ is an award-winning charitable organisation seeking to raise awareness of eating disorders in men so that they are able to recognise their symptoms and access support when they need it.
The website provides essential information that is specific to the unique needs of men and an online space for them to get their voices heard. It also offers peer support via a forum.
A confidential listening service for people who are suicidal or in despair. Sometimes what you’d really like is someone just to listen without judging you. Maybe then you’d figure out the answer yourself, or at least have got a load off your mind. That’s what the Samaritans are here for.
08457 909090 (24hrs, every day)
SANE runs a national, out-of-hours helpline offering specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.
0845 767 8000 (6pm–11pm, every day)
Mind provides somewhere to turn to for advice and support for anyone with a mental health problem. Mind has a collection of information booklets that covers over 60 topics.
Information line: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm)
Provides advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems including people who use services, carers, family and friends.
Advice line: 0300 5000 927 (Monday to Friday, 10am–1pm)
Ringing the number above will get you through to a trained consultant who can help point you toward the help you need.
Telephone: 0300 100 1234 (Monday to Thursday, 8am–10pm; Friday, 8am-6pm; Saturday, 9am–5pm)
Young Minds
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. If offers information to young people and children about mental health and emotional wellbeing. It also has publications for children, young people, parents and professionals that are free to download: titles include ‘Young People Get Depressed Too’ and ‘Entering Adulthood’.
Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorder Association (SWEDA)
SWEDA was set up to provide support and services to those affected by eating disorders and those who care for and about them. Their website has lots of resource links and leaflets.
Northumberland and Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
Offers 12 free booklets on common mental health problems including sleep, depression, anger, stress, bereavement and panic.
Get Self Help
Offers free downloadable cognitive-behaviour therapy self-help and therapist resources.
NHS Choices: overcoming eating disorders information
Information and advice about overcoming eating disorders for sufferers, family and friends.
Support Groups
Ever thought of joining a support group for your Eating Disorder? A support group is an opportunity for you to know that you are not alone in your struggle. It is a safe and contained space where you can share your experiences, be heard and supported by people who have been through and/or are going through the same difficulties.
Support groups may be useful for those who would like support between their assessment and the start of treatment.
Beat self-help and support groups
Beat has a range of self-help and support groups catering for the differing needs of people affected by eating disorders. All current Beat groups are open to anyone within the ‘client group’ they specify. The groups can provide you with an opportunity to meet other people who may be in a similar situation, and to share experiences or just to listen.
Find out more about Beat support groups.
King’s College London SRSH Student Support Group
This group provides support to students over the age of 18 affected by eating disorders. The group is run by trained student volunteers and offers a confidential space to talk about student life and recovery.
KCL, Southwark, London, SE1 9NH
Contact: KCL Student Volunteer, email
UCL SRSH Student Support Group
This group provides support to students over the age of 18 affected by eating disorders. The group is run by trained student volunteers and offers a confidential space to talk about student life and recovery.
UCL Students Union, London
Central London Self Help and Support Group for Sufferers
The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday evening of the month. You must call before attending the group. No calls or groups in August.
All Souls Clubhouse (blue front door), 141 Cleveland Street, Westminster, London W1T 6QG
Contact: Sue 07591 162 553 (Sunday, 8.30pm-10pm only; Sue will not respond to voicemail or text messages)
Fee: £5 each meeting attended
London N3 Self Help and Support Group for Sufferers
Golders Green, London
Service deals with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, EDNOS, with or without borderline personality disorder. The group meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month, from 10.30am to 11.45am (no group meeting on August). Coffee /tea available from 10.15. Please get in touch before attending the group meeting.
Fee: free for Barnet Enfield or Haringey residents, £10 for others. Medical students and student nurses and NHS HCPs welcome without charge (proof required)
Contact: Fenella 07962 392908 ; Fenella will not respond to text messages
Sweet Cavanagh
Sweet Cavanagh is a London-based social enterprise that provides support and employment for women leaving treatment for addictions and eating disorders. It acts as a peer-led aftercare service giving women a safe environment to build their self-esteem and adjust to leaving inpatient care. Its main aim is help women stay clean, sober and healthy while they return to society and grow their strength. Each member is given the tools and training to design and make jewellery.
Online forums
Beat – Live Chat
Live Chat is Beat’s online service where you can talk to others who are in a similar situation in a safe environment in real time.
Youth Live Chat (young people up to 25yrs old): join us every Monday and Friday, 5.30-6.45pm
Adult Live Chat: join us every second, third and fourth Wednesday of the month, 6.30pm-7.45pm
Sane – support forum
Sane’s support forum provides a space where you can offer and receive mutual support through sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences of the difficulties and challenges that can arise from living with mental illness.
If you are looking for help and up to date information on eating disorders, Mirror Mirror is the right place. “We’ll tell you how to find the right eating disorder treatment, try to answer all your questions and provide you with all the eating disorders information you need, including some relevant eating disorder statistics that may shock you. We want you to be fully informed so you can begin the recovery process. This site will help you understand the causes of eating disorders as well as how to get treatment.”
Family and friends
Beat Carers’ Forum
The Beat Carers’ Forum is an online community dedicated to carers, where you can find information and access support, talking to other people who have supported someone with an eating disorder.
By registering on the forum you can access the dedicated message boards, participate in live chats with other carers and download a range of information to help you provide the best possible support.
Eating disorders and carers
The London Carers Group is a self-help group run by and for carers of people with eating disorders or those living with someone who they think might have an eating disorder.
The New Maudsley Approach
This website provides parents and carers of people with eating disorders with a toolkit to help educate, empower and equip them to deal more effectively with the stressful caring role.
Young Minds
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. If offers information to young people and children about mental health and emotional wellbeing. It also has publications for children, young people, parents and professionals that are free to download: titles include ‘Young People Get Depressed Too’ and ‘Entering Adulthood’.
Parents’ Helpline (free): 0808 802 5544 (Monday-Friday, 9.30am-4pm) or email or chat online to a trained advisor (Monday–Friday, 11am–1pm).
Residential Treatments
Eating disorder treatment are expensive, but they are necessary for a survival and a wellbeing of the person. A study in the American Journal of Psychiatry estimated that the mortality rates for eating disorders were 4 percent for anorexia, 3.9 percent for bulimia and 5.2 percent for unspecified eating disorders. Death may be caused by the physical effects of malnutrition or dangerous purging behaviors, but it may also come about as a result of severe depression and suicide. When you consider the risks of living with an eating disorder, the cost of treatment seems minimal by comparison.
Islamic Helplines
Bespoke Addiction Rehab for the Middle East
By beginning a program of recovery and taking action, we help you recover yourself, your relationships, your family and your future.
We implement the latest and most cutting edge, evidence and outcome based services available for addiction treatment using our practices and clinical methods provided by our experienced and exclusive Clinical Advisory Board.
فريق مشهور عالميا في بلد إسلامي آمن
Click Here to Fill in Online Contact Form
Muslim Professionals/Therapists/Dietitians
My name is Malak Saddy, and I’m an eating disorder dietitian practicing in my Dallas, TX, office, and virtually. I was raised in a Lebanese Muslim American household, where culture, food, religion, and family are of course an integral part of our culture. I was always the little girl in the school cafeteria with a small tub of hummus, raw vegetables, and pita slices, or leftover shawarma and falafel sandwiches. Of course, my spread always intrigued my friends’ curiosity, and looks of antipathy, while they gobbled their hot dog sandwiches, and stale french fries. I always had to come up with creative excuses of why I wasn’t allowed to go to sleepovers, birthday parties, or the movie! I understand the challenges of adapting to two different cultures, and the impositions they take.
Mental health, and eating disorders are often difficult topics to discuss in many cultures. I recognize that, and am sensitive to these issues and would love to be of service to you, as your dietitian, on your road to recovery.
Malak Saddy RD, LD, CEDRD
Registered Dietitian
9535 Forest Lane, Suite 258
Dallas, TX 75243
(517) 897-0921
(972) 525-0893 – Fax
Pronouns: she/her
DFW IAEDP – Hospitality Co-Chair
Love Yourself × All Foods Fit × Body Positive
Client Quote:
“When you have an eating disorder, a dietitian is the last person you want to talk to. I am that person now, but I am very lucky to have been able to work with Malak. It was so easy to talk to her, and not have to worry about explaining my culture, and background. She was able to relate and understand where I was coming from and how I felt. She has a genuine approach and an encouraging attitude. Malak truly helped me change my life”
Life Coach
Nuzhat Jahan is a Kiwi writer who writes about Lahara.
Her first book Lahara ‘We are One’ has been an international success. Turning the book author into an influencer who uses her social media platform to raise awareness on many issues. Mostly those impacting the millennial generation. Hence her go to daily updates are on Instagram. She has also offered to do life coaching sessions with those who struggle with many challenges in life. You can contact her at: