Ramadan and Eating Disorder Recovery and Tips



Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Our world today shines much brighter
the month ahead is Ramadan!
Blooming upon us is the best of the months
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!

Chockablock with pure blessings
is the oasis in the opulence.
Bountifully raised dizzying high
comes with the Night of Measures
better than a thousand months.
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!

Everyone, near and far
only look up high!
No rainbow can outshine
the finest face of the serene moon
is about to show up.
Welcome it loud with the whole heart
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!



Dear Readers,


Please find below a guest post by Maya S. We are grateful for this incredible contribution. Please get in touch if you need help this Ramadan, email us: waragainsteatingdisorder@gmail.com

WhatsApp: 00447498500385


Ramadan and Eating Disorder

Recovery and Tips




About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.

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