A group of researches have conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of ED and DEB. Its done through 14 papers on the age group 10-124 years old, across all-over Saudi Arabia. The majority recruited female students while only 4 studies included male students.
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Please find below summary of article, ‘Rising prevalence of eating disorders among Saudi youths heightens risk of stunting and nutrient deficiencies’. This was published in https://www.foodnavigator-asia.com/. We share this article for research and information purpose only.
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Rising prevalence of eating disorders
among Saudi youths heightens risk of
stunting and nutrient deficiencies.
Article Summary by Mayar Assaf
This article highlights the importance of raising awareness of Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating Behaviours, and healthy food consumption among youths and young adults in Saudi Arabia.
EDs and DEBs are health problems related to body image and dissatisfaction, eating habits that can affect many aspects.
A group of researches have conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of ED and DEB. Its done through 14 papers on the age group 10-124 years old, across all-over Saudi Arabia. The majority recruited female students while only 4 studies included male students.
The results were as follow:
1. A high prevalence has been found Of EDs & DEBs ranging 10.2% to 48.1%.
The highest was in the eastern region 29.4% to 65.5% .
The north-western region was 48.1%.
North region was 25.4%.
One vital point that should be taken in consideration, that the results are not conclusive and the range among males may be underreported. As well the studies found that the prevalence in older youth is higher than younger ones which is stated as below:
10.2% to 42.5% for secondary and intermediate students, 29.4% to 65.5% for university students.
The mindset play a huge role. The negative relationship with food in this stage of age could harm a lot.
From binging, restricting, fasting, to using laxative all these are common signs of an ED sufferer. Failing to meet the daily nutrient needs can impact the growth, energy levels, and sexual maturation.
On the other hand, MENA countries documented DEBs among youth. In a study done on part of Arab countries: Algeria, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, UAE, and Libya found the following:
13.8% to 47.3% in males.
16.2% to 42.7% in females.
While studies in Turkey, Japan, Korea and Taiwan showed the following results:
9.8% to 22.8% among Turkish.
11.2% among Japanese females.
10.3%, 10.4% among Korean and Taiwanese students.
Till now there’s not a clear clarification for the high percentage among youths in Saudi Arabia. However, it could be do to several factors: genetic, social, culture, psychological causes, westernisation.
In the previous times, Arab was known for preferring fuller bodies. But, due to the economic developments, social cultural shifts the younger generations are adopting western standards related to body weight and appearance which may develop EDs and DEBs.
This only show us the urge to increase the awareness of healthy food consumption and develop guidelines for assessing, evaluating and treating these conditions.
REF: Rising prevalence of eating disorders among Saudi youths heightens risk of stunting and nutrient deficiencies