Fantastically rich, fantastically rich family, fantastic education, fantastic and lucrative job, fantastic status quo and beautifully made; fantastic lady. A girl should be two things: fabulous and fantastic.
Dear Readers,
This is a month of celebration of womanhood and motherhood. Wishing all the fantastic women out there ‘Happy International Women’s Day’ and ‘Happy Mother’s Day’. We share with you ‘A Fantastically Rich Lady and Her Veil’. When I started this blog, I went on a quest to search for pearls of wisdom from real people. My quest took me to many people. This was written years back and we think now is the perfect time to share it with all of you.
Please read this with open mind and heart, these are real pearls of wisdom from real people..
Part one of ‘pearls of wisdom’ from a fantastic lady with a fantastic life.
Fantastically rich, fantastically rich family, fantastic education, fantastic and lucrative job, fantastic status quo and beautifully made; fantastic lady. A girl should be two things: fabulous and fantastic.
Fantastic lady held on to her beliefs with fantastic convictions. She was a modern Muslim with a fantastic style of living. One day a small girl knocked on her door, inviting her to learn Qur’an.
This fantastic lady became mad at the small young girl. ‘How dare you knock on my door?’ ‘I’ve told people not to knock on my door. I’ve told you religiously narrow minded people to stay way from me. Can’t you see how fantastically I am dressed?
Can’t you see how feminine I appear?’
‘When I talk in my fantastic voice, people pay attention,’ she said in arrogance.
I have a fantastic and lucrative power Job-
She went to discard the invite and few words caught her fantastic eyes- about Quran and learning Quran
She went to the little girl’s house to give her father her piece of mind – like a warning.
And then – the lady walked out and her life changed.
She wasn’t egocentric;
[Quran 47:14] Are those enlightened by their Lord the same as those whose evil works are adorned in their eyes, and they follow their own opinions?
[Quran 2:87] …Is it not a fact that every time a messenger went to you with anything you disliked, your ego caused you to be arrogant? Some of them you rejected, and some of them you killed.
[Quran 38:26] …rule among the people equitably, and do not follow your personal opinion, lest it diverts you from the way of God”
[Quran 45:23]… Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently, God sends him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind, and places a veil on his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision by God? Would you not take heed?
All of a sudden, F Lady wore a veil- At being questioned, she’d reply; ‘I want people to pay attention to my words and not my face.’
‘I want to use my words, my knowledge to change the face of reality and not my unstable beauty.’
Beauty will fade….
Even the prophet will supplicate, ‘’o Allah, as you have made my appearance beautiful, make my character beautiful’’ (Allahumma kama hassanta khalqi fa hassin khuluqi).
‘If you want to learn, then you have to be committed’, the little girls father told her. ‘I don’t teach women’.
She was a fantastic lady, so she fantastically committed.
And then fantastic lady studied Qur’an, the most glorious book ever under the guidance of the little girl’s father.
After noticing that lady F has changed, her fantastic family became so worried. They challenged her like she’s crazy. ‘What is all this. Are you crazy? People are looking at us and mocking us’.
‘Why are you hiding this fantastic mesmerizing face?’
‘I want people to value me for my intellect, my words and not my face’ she said.
‘I’m not a commodity.
This face will age and beauty will fade.’
Oh! She studied with this man every day while a curtain separated them.
She had so many proposals, suitors as she was in her mid-twenties.
She was fantastically feminist and extraordinarily beautiful wanting to reach new fantastic heights everyday.
Because she didn’t want to be bound by any man, she rejected all the fantastic proposals from her fantastically rich circle.
But she believed that marrying a man for his heart and not his wealth and status is a great gain;
Giving up money, she immediately remembers this “Give the kinsman his due, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and squander not (your wealth) in wantonness.
Lo! The squanderer were ever brothers of the devils, and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord” (Quran 17:26-27).
Instead of worrying about taking care of herself should she marry just a man for love, she remembers this;
And [Allah] will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed]extent. (Qur’an 65:3)
In the long run, so came a man, he was filled with awe at seeing fantastic lady. He had been a secret admirer for years before the days she started using veils.
Fantastic lady said, ‘you’ll have to accept me with the veil’. This man worshiped her beauty and accepted her conditions.
The man with simple heart, simple looks and meekness said. ‘I’ll forever love you, tell me what you want me to do, and I will be your support in your journey.’
At long last, she married the man. Fantastic family’s fantastic tongues were waging and raging. Rich and powerful brothers were bewildered.
And now fantastic lady moves into a rented accommodation with her fantastically simple man. He worked day and night to please her and she studied day and night also.
His eyes would light up in the evening. She would fantastically dress up and welcome him home.
She learned to change her rich and gorgeous ways of life.
Quote about giving up riches- annihilating ego
Fantastic lady was on her path of discovery.
She ignored fantastic society’s whispers.
And years flew by.
Her teacher was now in awe of her, fantastic lady recited Quran in such a unique voice that he was in awe.
Some day’s fantastic lady thought of her previous fantastic life with flashy cars, fantastic friends, and fantastic materialism.
One day, she told her husband;
‘I love being beautiful
I love to wear one new outfit every week’
So on Friday a day of great blessings, she would wear one fantastic outfit.
‘This is purely for you Allah’: she would say-
God provided- she wore one new outfit every week.
The difference in this act in her outfits was that her beauty regime was for the eyes of only one man.
Fantastic lady reached new realms of learning with the support of her fantastic husband.
Outcast from fantastically rich circle, fantastic lady reached new learning horizons.
The beauty of Qur’an. She could now recite it, understand it.
She was fantastically falling in Love with Allah and His Book and His Prophet (pbuh).
‘God has chosen you for great work fantastic lady’. Her teacher told her.
So she invited women, ladies, girls to come to her house, to gather in her small living room and she taught the book of God with meaning. She filled them with power.
The ladies in her fantastically average neighbourhood came and were mesmerized by her beauty and her fantastic voice.
She invited their husbands over and told them about rights of women and kindness to women. Her fantastic melodious voice would take on hard edge and she would deliver her words with speed and conviction.
However, questions and accusations fly in. ‘Who is this fantastically-mad-with-passion lady leading our women astray?
Now fantastic lady was afraid of no one. The fantastic veil hid all her expressions. She would go to politicians, police men, corrupt men and tell them what wrong was and those that they engaged in.
She turned no-one away. Somehow women knew fantastic lady would guide them. They started to learn and became strong and learnt the art of giving and helping each other.
Soon, her fantastic husband became more in awe of her. She’s someone very fantastically special. His fantastic average simple ways told him- follow the fantastic lady- never cause her pain and give her what you can.
She’s blessed with a fantastic news- A paradise will be under her feet.
She continued the work. What a fantastic change. She’s so fantastically changed.
She served his ailing parents with fantastic manner and continues to spread the fantastic knowledge to everyone in and around her and she became more popular for this.
And then Fantastic Lady is challenged with Fantastic Hardships and Challenges. Alhamdulillah. Life takes a new turn.
To Be Continued…
Fantastic Lady’s Middle Life Journey- Children, Tears and sorrow-
This is so touching and so different and after so long we are getting a real life story
I wait for part 2
After years we read something inspiring from you Maha . Please keep posting g these real stories
MashAllah this is so beautiful.
This woman is great and how lucky is her husband to have such a janati wife MashAllah . We need these women in our society. Thank you for sharing