Series 5 of 5: Feel like you’re going crazy since starting recovery? You are not alone!







Feel like you’re going ‘crazy’ since starting recovery? You are not alone!

“Our entire life – consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are”

– Jean Anouilh

Dear Readers,



This is the last post in the series from Catherine Liberty. One of the most incredible finale to a series in healing and recovery, ‘ Feel like you’re going ‘crazy’ since starting recovery? You are not alone!’. I hope you’ll find it useful in your journey to recovery and healing.



As I’m sure you already know, most people learn to use their eating disorders as a way to mask and numb painful emotions, so it makes sense that when you start to live without bulimia or binge eating disorder for the very first time, life is going to feel especially painful.

Luckily there are some powerful steps you can take right now to help to balance your mood and reduce the severity of the mood swings that you are experiencing. I really hope these tips and suggestions will help!

Click on the link below to listen to the audio:

Tips on how to survive early mood swings in recovery (audio)



Talk again soon,

Catherine 🙂




Catherine Liberty BSc (Hons), PgCert, MBPSs.|
Trainee Health Psychologist
HealED Recovery Coach

(Work with me 1-1 to recover from bulimia)


About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.

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