“Get off the scale! I have yet to see a scale that can tell you how enchanting your eyes are. I have yet to see a scale that can show you how wonderful your hair looks when the sun shines its glorious rays on it. I have yet to see a scale that can thank you for your compassion, sense of humor, and contagious smile. Get off the scale because I have yet to see one that can admire you for your perseverance when challenged in life.”
– Steve Maraboli
Dear Readers,
Please find below a very inspiring video by Ali Kerr on how she recovered from her years of Bulimia. Many sufferers give up hope on recovery. My message is recovery takes time but it is possible to achieve. It’s important not to give up on hope of recovery.
Ali’s Recovery
The first video is all about how I finally recovered from my bulimia.
Some of this is very personal, honest and raw, but it is real
and that is important as not enough people
are talking about the reality of bulimia.I remember when I started my recovery journey,
honestly I had a no idea what I was doing.
I felt like I was just throwing everything to
the wall, just to see what would stick…but when I eventually figured out
the real steps to recovery,
I fully recovered in less than a year.
Please Click in the Link Below to Watch Ali’s Amazing Journey to Recovery.
There is no such a thing as being ‘too broken’
It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re just not strong enough to recover from bulimia. Especially if you’ve been bulimic for a very long time, or if you’ve experienced multiple failed recovery attempts along the way.
But what you may not realize is that at one time or another, every single person on the road to recovery has shared those same fears.
We’ve all found ourselves thinking:
What if I’m beyond help?
What if I’m too broken?
What if I’m not strong enough?
What if I fail?
When I first started to recover I was exactly the same. After ten years of bulimia and a lifetime of disordered eating I was totally convinced that full recovery just wasn’t an option for me. Not only did I believe I was too weak to recover, I also thought that my bulimic behaviours were so severe and so deeply ingrained that nothing could ever change them. I couldn’t deny the fact that people around me were recovering but still I was convinced that I was different.
The truth is….
Even if you’ve failed at recovery multiple times in the past, you can still recover.
Even if your bulimic behaviours are exceptionally severe, you can still recover.
Even if you do have challenging life circumstances that make the recovery process more complex, you can still recover.
From the diversity of people I’ve worked with as a Recovery Coach over the past few years, I can tell you without a doubt that no one is beyond help when it comes to recovery.
There is no such thing as being ‘too broken.’
The one thing I really want you to take away from all of this today is that it’s okay if you don’t feel strong right now. We all feel weak earlier on in recovery. Strength is something that builds gradually and grows over time.
Feeling weak isn’t the same as BEING weak.
No matter what’s happening in your recovery right now, no matter how far you have left to travel, no matter how many times you have fallen, if you’re here reading these words then that means you have chosen recovery.
That means you are stronger than you know!
So the next time you hear that voice telling you that you’re not strong enough to recover from bulimia, I want you to quietly whisper back “yes I am.”
It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe those words fully right now, I promise you the will come when you do.
Ali Kerr
Recovery Coach, Nutritional therapist, Author & founder of Bulimiahelp.org
PS: Keep an eye on your inbox for the second video in the series coming soon.