Eating From the Kitchen of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Ginger


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Please find another post from the Kitchen of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).



In this post we bless our recovery and health with the power of Ginger Zanjabeel’, زنجبيل. First Step of ED Recovery is to restore your physical health and to rebuild your immune system. Add this magical herb to your diet and see how it benefits for your health and vitality.

Ginger Magic


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Ginger

Amira Ayad mentions in ‘Healing Body and Soul’ Ginger root has been used as medicinal herb in Asia for thousands of years. Ginger is mentioned in the Qur’an as a drink for pious ones in Paradise.

وَيُسْقَوْنَ فِيهَا كَأْساً كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا زَنجَبِيلاً

And they will be given to drink there of a cup mixed with Zanjabil (ginger). (Qur’an, 76:17)

It was reported that the king of Rome sent a jar of ginger as a present to the Prophet Muhammad (saaw) who fed every one of his Companions a piece.


In his book, The Medicine of the Prophet, Ibn al-Qayyium introduced ginger as a very useful digestive agent, antiflatulent (prevents or relieves intestinal gas), expectorant and mucolytic (loosening and expelling excess mucus); he also noted that it was said to be good for the eyesight and the liver and even as an aphrodisiac  (Jauziyah, 2003).


Ginger In Recovery

Ginger Health Benefits

In ED Recovery, Ginger Helps in fighting off the nausea, inflammation, weakness, lack of energy and aids in digestion. Ginger is a natural pain-killer, more potent than Ibuprofen and Other pain killers. Scientific experiments have revealed about fifty antioxidant compounds in ginger root, the most powerful which of is gingerole.

Ginger for Cold/Flu

Ginger is believed to warm the body especially in cases of the common cold. According to Dr. Jaishree “Fresh juice of ginger is used to cure symptoms of cough and cold. It helps stop watery discharge from nose and help cure headache and fever associated with common cold if taken in tea or as decoction with basil and honey.”

Tip: Infuse with cinnamon and honey to treat cold and chills.

Ginger for Depression/Low Mood

Many emotional problems result with ED, such as depression, anxiety and insomnia.  Ginger is recommended by some holistic medical practitioners as an excellent mood enhancer.

Ginger For Energy

ED results in weakness and lack of energy. There can even be dips in stamina. Add this to your diet and you’ll be buzzing with energy.

Tip: Add it to your Morning smoothie.

Ginger as an anti Nausea Remedy

Ginger is effective as an anti-nausea remedy as it settles the stomach and relieves vomiting.

Tip: Chew on ginger, tossed in a little honey.

Ginger A King in Digestive Health

Ginger is very popularly used in Ayurveda for its benefits in digestion and respiratory disorders.  Ginger stimulates saliva flow and digestive activity. It enhances digestion due to its pungent taste and alleviates toxins of indigestion from the body and eases pain from gas and diarrhea. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.

Ginger for Heart

Ginger aids the heart. Five grams of dried ginger a day will slow the production of triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol in the liver.

Ginger for Throat Infection

Fresh ginger root is used as expectorant and an antiseptic for throat infections, and as a respiratory and circulatory system.

 Treating Muscular Pain/Joint Pain

A quick relief from muscular pain can be achieved through drinking ginger tea or placing shavings in your food. Ginger helps treat joint pain by stimulating blood circulation.

Tip: Add some ginger essential oil in your bath to help aching muscles and joints.

Ginger Tea

To make a tea, steep ginger in hot water, or just sprinkle it on dishes. The recommended dosage is one-third of an ounce of fresh ginger root per day. By steeping the root in hot syrup preserved ginger may be mad.

Ginger Fall Tea

 Ginger for Hair

In ED we get terrible hair. Ginger can  help to repair any split ends and dry hair problems. It makes hair roots stronger and fights dandruff.  Mix some ginger oil with your shampoo and watch how its natural moisturising powers help to fix any dryness.

Ginger and Hair

Ginger for Skin

In ED we get many skin problems and our skin loses its radiance. Slices of ginger root applied to your face helps to fight off blemishes, gives radiant skin and tones the skin.


Ginger Healing Recipes

Healing Foods for Digestive Health


Ginger and Berry Tonic



Based on ‘Elderberry and Ginger Cold and Flu Tonic’, from A Year With James Wong, James Wong

supports digestion & a strong immune system / anti-inflammatory / warming


  • 2 cinnamon quills, broken up
  • 4 cloves
  • The seeds of 6 cardamom pods
  • 30g fresh ginger root (peeled and sliced)
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • Zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
  • 500g berries (I defrosted a box of frozen summer berries)
  • 1 litre water
  • Xylitol to sweeten (if required)
  • Juice of ½ lemon (if required)



Put the berries, water, ginger, lemon zest, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon into a saucepan. Bring to the boil, then simmer gently for 20 minutes to infuse the flavours.

Allow to cool a little, then pass through a sieve to remove seeds, spices, cinnamon and ginger. Add xylitol and lemon juice to taste.

Delicious served warm. A medicinal, non-alcoholic mulled wine! Also delicious served at room temperature diluted 50% with sparking water (or probiotic water!).


Useful also for the cold-season, in which case substitute xylitol for manuka honey. Can be made with elderberries when in season.



© Belinda Blake & Nicola Moore, October 2014

Gari (Pickled Ginger)

Digestaid/ Source of Zinc

Fills 1-2 small Jars


185g fresh ginger root, peeled

90ml rice vinegar

90ml water

70g white sugar

1 1/2 tsp fine sea salt


Sterlizie two small jars, with lid.

Scrape the skin off the ginger root then slice into very thin slices (a vegetable slicer or mandolin work best here). Leave for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, squeeze out the liquid from the ginger then transfer to the sterilized jars, filling each one to the top and pressing down lightly.

Heat the vinegar and sugar in a small saucepan, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Increase the heat and bring to the boil. Pour the liquid over the ginger slices, filling the jars to the rim.

Leave at least 24 hours for the flavors to develop.

Store in the Fridge and use within two weeks once opened.


© Belinda Blake & Nicola Moore, October 2014


Some More Ways to Use Ginger


1. Ginger & Rice

Cook rice. When you take the lid off the pan, quickly stir in finely chopped garlic, ginger, Lemon wedges and fresh cilantro leaves. Close the lid and let it simmer on very low heat for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. DOn’t remove the lid for another 5 minute.
2. Ginger In Your Juice

grate some ginger root and put it in your juicer, along with fruit/vegetables of your choice. It’s amazing.
3. Gingery Soup

Add  ginger shavings  in your soup. This really adds Zing to your soup.  Why not make this delicious cleansing soup at home. I love it and by cleansing I don’t mean cleanse cleanse. It’s just very easy on stomach and very good in early days of recovery and refeeding.

Cleansing Ginger-Chicken Soup

Cleansing Ginger-Chicken Soup recipe
Recipe By: Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer

Makes 8 servings

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can also calm an upset stomach. We love the heat it adds to this soup.


  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 8 ounces unpeeled scrubbed ginger, cut into 1/2″-thick slices
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 10 whole black peppercorns
  • 1 3-pound whole organic chicken, cut into 7 pieces (2 breasts, 2 legs with thighs attached, 2 wings, 1 back)
  • Kosher salt
  • Cilantro leaves (optional)


Combine the first 5 ingredients in a large heavy pot. Add chicken, placing breasts on top. Add 6 quarts water (preferably filtered or spring water); bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cover with lid slightly ajar. Reduce heat to low; simmer until chicken breasts are just cooked through, about 30 minutes. Transfer chicken breasts to a plate; let cool, then cover and chill. Continue to simmer soup, uncovered, until broth is fully flavored, about 2 1/2 hours longer. Return breasts to soup to rewarm, about 5 minutes.

Remove chicken from broth. When cool enough to handle, coarsely shred meat; discard skin and bones. Place a fine-mesh sieve over another large pot; strain broth, discarding solids in strainer (you should have about 8 cups broth). Season with salt.

Rewarm soup. Divide chicken among bowls. Pour hot broth over, dividing equally. Garnish soup with cilantro leaves, if desired.

Please Remember:

Food is not your enemy


About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.


  1. I had no idea that ginger had any non food related use, let alone this many! I try to use things that I can find in my kitchen for DIY things as much as I can because it works just as well as a product you can purchase, it’s cheaper and it usually doesn’t have harsh chemicals or toxic ingredients like some items have. Great post!

  2. We spend a lot of money on allopathic medicines, but there is a type of healing that was discovered centuries ago. And that healing is through the treatment methods of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is the most divine and accurate form of healing.

  3. The benefit of ginger is amazing. I was sick with a bad flu and all I did is boil fresh ginger and made a strong ginger tea out of it everyday and it helps break up the stuffy nose and painful chesty cough to aid my speedy healing without the help of conventional medicine. I was just experementing this time and it really works. Now am convince about the benefits of ginger……

  4. Ginger is great to include in a diet or just to add a bit of health into your diet. I’ve always knew about ginger and how quality it is. I’ve made some great foods including ginger. It’s great when you’re sick to, or so I’ve heard.

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