Eating Disorder Demon- Reflections from the Past by A Muslimah


Turn Trash into Treasure- A never-ending negative dialogue that plays inside the mind of a person suffering with an eating disorder, ‘you are trash’, ‘you are fat’, ‘you are no good’. Remember There is a saying, “God does not create trash.”—Humans being the greatest creation of God, and Subhanallah YOU were an idea God had that came into existence, so your worth is that God thought of you to begin with. Also, God does not forsake His care over his creation and you are His creation.

Dear Visitors,


Please find below a very heart touching poem by HA. This was written during her hospitalisation for her ED.


Thank you so much for sharing.


What I find remarkable about this person is that how incredible she is. You are what you make of this life. Instead of allowing the demon of Eating Disorder to completely overtake her life, she has managed to break free and has embarked on a voyage of discovery and learning.



Reflections from the Past -Eating

Disorder Demon


The feelings behind the eating disorder are really difficult  to express, but she has managed to capture this beautifully. This illness is swathed in secrecy and whether you’re a Muslim or a non-Muslim, it is incredibly hard to talk about Eating Disorders.  However, in some cultures, this illness is simply brushed aside and some Muslims find it very difficult to talk about their experience in an orderly manner because there is nothing orderly about the experience of an eating disorder.


Turn Trash into Treasure- A never-ending negative dialogue that plays inside the mind of a person suffering with an eating disorder, ‘you are trash’, ‘you are fat’, ‘you are no good’. Remember There is a saying, “God does not create trash.”—Humans being the greatest creation of God, and Subhanallah YOU were an idea God had that came into existence, so your worth is that God thought of you to begin with. Also, God does not forsake His care over his creation and you are His creation.

You cannot create a monster

And then condemn it.

Hate Its ugly features ,

its terrible gait.

When I look into the Mirror

I do not see myself

But all of you who

Made Me.


About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.

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