Forgive Yourself



Why is learning to forgive yourself a lot harder than forgiving others? Self-forgiveness is critical to well-being—but it needs to be balanced with responsibility-taking, when appropriate.


Dear Readers,

Please find below a wonderful post from Ali Kerr on forgiving yourself. Self-forgiveness is critical to healing. We hope you’ll use these tips to forgive yourself and build a better life for yourself and those around you.


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“Why would anyone love me?”
“I’m just not good enough”
“I don’t belong here”
“My thighs are like tree trunks”
“I’m so stupid”
“I’m such a freak!”
The thought turns my stomach, but this pretty
much sums up how I treated myself every
single day for those 10 years I binged on food.
The truth is, I got more sympathy when I broke my nose
than I ever got the decade I was manically bingeing on food.
For years, no one recognized the pain I was in.
Nobody recongnized my suffering.
Especially me.
It took me a long time to realize that.
And an even longer time to forgive myself for treating myself that way.
Don’t waste years of your life being mean to yourself. It’s no way to live.
So I would like to ask you,
Whatever you are doing right now, just pause for a moment and…  just forgive yourself.
Just says those magical words “I’m sorry” to yourself.
Forgive yourself for all the times you were harsh on yourself.
Forgive yourself for not allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Forgive yourself: It’s not your fault that you binge on food. This can happen to ANYONE on the planet.
Forgive yourself for any relapses, they are a very, very, very, normal part of recovery!
Forgive yourself: we are only human, none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes… FACT.
Forgive yourself: don’t let yesterday’s setbacks hold you back from success today.
It’s really ok.
You’re not perfect.
You will never be perfect.
No one expects you to be perfect.
There is no such thing as being perfect.
So forgive yourself for not being perfect.
Forgive yourself and just be the imperfect, flawed, quirky, beautiful, wonderful person that you are.
Just forgive yourself for no reason other than it feels good to be nice to yourself for a change.
Once you really forgive yourself it frees you.
You’ll feel lighter.
More emotionally in balance.
You can then use that extra energy and direct it towards something more positive in your life.

By Ali Kerr

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About Author

Islam and Eating Disorders founded in 2012 – run by Maha Khan, the blog creates awareness of Eating Disorders in the Muslim world, offers information and support for sufferers and their loved ones.

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